It’s 2008 and what better way to start the year than learn or simply implement bigger ways (since none of ‘em is new) to generate traffic to your site.
Tip #1 If you’ve got the knowledge and skills for it, create a simple Java or Flash game that’s related to your website theme. It has to be fun of course. But more than that, it must also let your visitors know more about your website and hopefully, convince them to pay attention to what you’re selling. If a Flash game’s too far-fetched, how about a Flash-y QnA or a survey?
If you don’t have the programming knowledge and skills for it then consider hiring a programmer. If not that, just stick with a text-based game. As long as it’s fun to play, the game design won’t matter that much.
Tip #2 Think widgets. For the uninitiated, this is the collective term for various applications, programs, or tools installed by the blog owner for several reasons. Some are designed to provide readers a better time navigating their way around the site, others add visual appeal, while a number of widgets improve the blog’s search engine ranking.
Browse the Internet for its collection of widgets and see which ones you can “borrow†and use on your website.
Tip #3 Consider hosting a forum on your website. Managing a forum will require you to learn new skills and knowledge but it’s well worth the traffic that your forum will generate in the future. A forum gives visitors a formal place to hang out and talk. If it’s your forum then you can also do whatever you want with it and if you’ve read my mind then you already know that means free advertising.
Of course, building and managing a forum is simpler said than done. Firstly, you’ll need to acquire extra web space. Then you’ll have to learn how to manage it. Next, you’ll need to promote the forum so that your target market would know there’s a new place online they can “chillâ€. Consider inviting forum guests once in a while to generate traffic to your website. Be ready to initiate conversations all the time – if the conversation dies, the traffic disappears as well.
Tip #4 Create a podcast. A podcast takes advantage of people’s recent fascination with MP4 players. Podcasts are audio files that discuss anything under the sun. Creating podcasts is just like creating infoproducts, but this time you include advertisements for your website in the content. It’s better to place the ads in the middle of a chapter so that readers won’t be able to skip them.
Tip #5 Since you’ve already taken advantage of the weakness of the iPod generation then why not go full circle and hone in on the weakness of the YouTube nation as well? Create fun and informative videos that will tackle topics related to your website. They’ll forgive short advertisements about your website is the content’s good.
Tip #6 Enter joint ventures with other websites. Contact a joint venture broker, relay your problem to him, and let the broker find ideal JV partners for you.
Tip #7 Last but not the least, shed your cheapskate ways. Most basic traffic-generating tips are free to implement but you’ve graduated from that already. You’re entering the big league now. Find an ad network company to help you run your first paid advertising campaign.
Any of these traffic-building methods too bold or too old for you? Got other more effective tips? Kindly share your thoughts.
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